Do you need to sell your property quickly because of…..

Financial difficulty

You are struggling to pay your mortgage and you want to stop repossession.

Bankruptcy is not always the only way out of  property debt and there are other options available.


There has been a relationship breakdown and you need to sell quickly so both parties can move on.


You have inherited a property and you are not able to manage it because of lack of time and resource or geographical constraints. Perhaps you need the funds very quickly.

Relocating abroad

You are relocating or moving abroad, busy and exciting times ahead but you still need to find the best option for your property you are leaving behind


You are having health issues and your existing property isn’t equipped to aid recovery and therefore you need to sell so you can move to a more suitable property quickly

Property chain

You are frustrated in an ongoing or broken property chain and need to find someone who will buy your property that is not involved in a chain – usually an investor or cash buyer

other reasons

Your property is in a bad state and requires repairs but you don’t have the funds?

You are a tired landlord, had enough and now want to sell your properties?

If you can relate to any of the above, do not despair. We have a number of options available that might just be the answer to your problems. We are a large group of property professionals and investors who have a wealth of experience and knowledge in dealing with property problems and creating the best options.

Want to know how we can help? 

Ok to get the ball rolling, for your free, no obligation initial assessment, please fill in the form below. This will enable us to take a preliminary view to see which one of our property options will best suit you. We will then contact you and discuss the way forward. Our interest is to help you out of your property dilemma. We can assure you all your details will be kept confidential and your personal information will not be shared with any third parties.